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Having the right product or the right concept is still not a warranty for success...

If you would like to introduce your products to new markets or if you are looking for informations about the potential of the market in East Europe: KATMAJ Consulting & Trading has got the right offer for you.

Depending on your growth strategy and available funds you can choose between many routes to successful sales on new markets. KATMAJ Consulting & Trading is there to help you to "navigate" through the most challenging starting phase.

We offer
          product placement
                    market analyses,
                                        trading services

If you have got a product and want to enter the East European market:
- we analyze the potential on the market, the competition, the potential customers
- we place your product in small defined market to find out the potential for sales quantities, price and market demand
- we organize the product introduction into the market, also as local distributor for your products

If you are looking for the right products, service or material:
- we search for potential suppliers, that are meeting your quality expectations
- we check the price level on the local market
- we perform audits towards your rules
- we source the goods/materials for you, if necessary

We find for you the right products and sources in the low cost region "East Europe" and ensure high quality from beginning of the sourcing process.

Let us know your challenges and we will work out for you the right route through them.

The KATMAJ Consulting & Trading Team
KATMAJ Filtration
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